Thursday, January 12, 2006

My Name is Cheyenne.....

.....and this is my blog.

I am five. I am in kindergarten.

I have blue eyes and brown hair. I like cats and dogs. My best friends are Kyla and Jamie and Taya. My favorite color is pink. I like Barbies and Junie B. books.

I lost a tooth. I got a dollar.

Bye for now............


Anonymous said...

hey cheyenne! i love your photos <3

Anonymous said...

hey cheyenne! i love your photos <3

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheyenne! I've heard so much about you from your Grandpa. How exciting for you to have your first blog! Congratulations on your tooth.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheyene,

I like your blog. It is fun to read.

Other kids have blogs, too. Have you seen blogs by other kids?

If you ever get a puppy or a kitty, please put a picture on your blog.

Anonymous said...

I love your web page Cheyenne. You are a very clever girl to be able to make one since I am a teacher I think I should have you come and teach my grade 4's on how to make one. Keep up the good work