Friday, May 05, 2006

Cheyenne B.'s field trip.............................

I went on a field trip!

Happy Birthday to my Great Grandpa. He will be 82.
I made pictures for him and for Grandma.

Bye for now.................

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Happy Birthday to me.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[editor's note: this entry was written for 4/27]

My birthday was April 26. I am 6 years old.

I had a party at Chuckie Cheese's. I had lots of fun with my friends and got lots of presents.

These are some things I have learned since I was five and that I couldn't do when I was five.

Juliska drew this for my birthday......

This is what I made in library last week.

Bye for now...............